Welcome to Dota Heroes, we provide you with best accesories in the game, starts from common, uncommon, rare and even arcanas in reasonable price.
Welcome to Dota Heroes, we provide you with best accesories in the game, starts from common, uncommon, rare and even arcanas in reasonable price.
We search for the most favorable item from various site and list the best here. Items' prices are realtime and the prices will not changes for 1 month from the day the prices are released in this website.
Transaction is safe, secure and reasonable. You dont have to worry about scam here. However, paypal is the only payment method that we have right now. We will try to improve in the future for better payment method.
We also provide you with stats of cosmetics in the game. customize visual elements within Dota 2. These modifications are purely graphical and do not affect mechanics or gameplay. Some items are exclusive to the Dota Plus premium service
Benevolent Companion, $6,99
Bladeform Legacy, $99,99
Claszian Apostasy, $120,99
Dread Retribution, $90.99
Manifold Paradox, $199,99
Phantom Advent. $111,99